Corona Virus

2020-03-17T23:10:07+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

We will remain open with our normal business hours until further notice. Given the pandemic state of things, we would like to take precautions to ensure the safety of our patients, their families, and our staff. Since the elderly are the highest risk for a complicated recovery we would like to minimize their exposure to our office. When possible please avoid having the grandparents be the people who drop the kids off at our offices. Please call our office to reschedule if: You have recently traveled to a high-risk part of the world. You or anyone you have spent time [...]

12 Surprising Reasons You Should See your Dentist More in 2020

2020-01-13T00:51:23+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

12 Surprising Reasons You Should See Your Dentist More. It's no surprise that millions of Americans neglect to go to the dentist regularly. However, what is surprising is what is happening to your teeth if you don't. Take a look at the top 12 reasons why you should be going to see your dentist more frequently in 2020. Contents Reason 1 More Sugar, More Problems Reason 2 Make Teeth Cleaning A Habit! Reason 3 Avoid The Possibility of Gum Disease Reason 4 Early Oral Cancer Detection Reason [...]

How To Make Sure You Don’t Have Bad Breath

2020-01-06T10:16:44+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

How To Make Sure You Don’t Have Bad Breath It is important to note that anyone who is chronically complaining about bad breath should be checked out by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner because there could be an underlying cause that is not related to your mouth or your teeth. Bad breath is called halitosis and can be an embarrassing problem for those who have it. Here are three recommended ways to ensure your breath is not an issue! Potent Foods Foods like garlic or onions can be flavorful ingredients that deliver incredible nutrients to your [...]

Oral Hygiene Tips You Need to Know

2020-01-06T10:20:41+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

Oral Hygiene Tips You Need to Know Everyone always wants the latest and greatest secret on the best and quickest way to ensure their smile is white and bright! But it is important to remember that oral hygiene is extremely important and can help prevent other serious illnesses like gum disease, infection of the bones or blood, heart disease, and so much more. Other than regular check-ups and honesty with your dentist, here are some dental hygiene tips that can help you ensure your mouth stays clean and the rest of you stays healthy: Proper Brushing It [...]

How Long Do Dental Filling Last

2020-01-06T10:34:54+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

How Long Do Dental Filling Last Getting a filling is an experience that is constantly changing with the advancement in technology and materials. Patients 20-years ago have extremely different experiences compared to patients 10-years ago and the divide continues as dentists and procedures improve. Fillings are one of the most common dental procedures, so how should you care for them? How long do they last? The questions you have we have answered below. How do fillings work? Whenever decay starts the enamel begins to breakdown so a filling is just that, it fills the area where the [...]

How To Encourage Your Child To Brush Their Teeth

2020-01-06T10:40:24+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

How To Encourage Your Child To Brush Their Teeth Does the sight of a toothbrush send your little one running in the opposite direction? Teaching a youngster good dental hygiene can be a demanding and sometimes frustrating process when you first start, but it is one of those necessary tasks that must be endured. Tooth decay remains one of the most chronic diseases among children according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some ways you can make your experience with your child a little bit easier! Start early! It is recommended that [...]

How Can You Make Your Teeth Whiter?

2020-01-06T10:44:31+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

How Can You Make Your Teeth Whiter? “Brush your teeth three-times a day and floss daily,” is the standard process dentists want you to abide by to ensure your teeth stay bright and healthy; however, sometimes outside factors change the course of your daily brightening and other measures need to be taken. Guess what? You’re not alone. If you’re thinking about having your teeth whitened, here are the facts: Why did your teeth change color? Food and Drink Coffee and red wine, although extremely popular, can be the cause of your teeth being stained! Their intense pigmentation [...]

Important Vitamins For Your Child’s Teeth & Gums

2020-01-08T04:33:44+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

Important Vitamins For Your Child's Teeth & Gums Although it is clear that daily brushing and flossing as well as regular dental cleanings are important parts of dental health for both adults and children, we often do not think about dental health from the inside out. There are many vitamins and minerals that are important to the health of your child’s teeth. Consuming a balanced diet of whole foods rich in fresh fruits and vegetables can ensure that your child enjoys a lifetime of healthy teeth. These vitamins and minerals are essential to a healthy smile from the inside out: [...]

The Do’s And Dont’s For Your Child’s Oral Hygiene

2020-01-08T04:32:31+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

The Do's And Dont's For Your Child's Oral Hygiene Oral health requires daily practice and good oral hygiene habits begin at a young age. Parents lead by example and there are many Do’s and Don’ts for your children’s dental health. DO take your child to the dentist early and regularly. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you visit the dentist with your baby before they even turn a year old. Acclimating them to the dental office, chair, and experience is important to begin a lifelong habit of dental hygiene. Early visits also prepare you as you can discuss [...]

Surprising Habits That May Be Harming Your Teeth

2020-01-08T04:31:33+00:00By |Tips Tricks|

Surprising Habits That May Be Harming Your Teeth No matter how vigilant we may be with daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings, there are many daily habits that may be causing more harm than good when it comes to your dental health. Beyond the foods that we eat, there are many other surprising habits that cause oral hygiene issues. Playing sports without a mouthguard- A hit to a mouth can become a devastating injury when it results in a chipped or lost tooth. Investing in a self-fitting mouth guard can protect you from a catastrophe. Nail-biting- Chewing on [...]